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Individuals can trade currencies through commercial banks, but without leverage, and there are limits on how much one can buy in a year in China.

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Overseas forex brokers, however, have been active in China since the s, offering leverage of up to times, thanks to lax enforcement. These brokers have helped Chinese citizens move money into overseas bank accounts to trade, often via online currency transactions, according to their product brochures, or even through fake deals, according to salespeople.

Brokers that own overseas licenses argue that investor money is safe, internet trading is boundless, and China has no rules banning them from doing business in the country. But regulatory conditions are changing: China has over the past year intensified already tight scrutiny of outbound capital flows and hunted down some online brokers after a surge of complaints from loss-making investors.

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SAFE said regulators are cleaning up online forex trading platforms and strengthening international regulatory cooperation, having shut down more than illegal forex platforms by the end of While this regulatory sweep has forced some firms to shutter onshore offices, others are less fazed. FXOpen, a forex trading platform, recently opened a second China office.

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