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The various fundamental factors can be classified into two categories: quantitative and qualitative. The financial meaning of these terms is not much different from their standard definitions. They are the measurable characteristics of businesses. This is why the largest source of quantitative data is financial data. Revenue, profits, assets, and more can be measured with great precision. The qualitative fundamentals are less realistic.

It may include the quality of the company's chief executives, brand recognition, patents, and technology. There is no qualitative or quantitative analysis that is better in nature. Many analysts consider it together.

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They are all quality, not quantity. They include: Business model: What exactly does the company do? This is not as clear as it appears. If the company's business model is based on selling chicken for fast food, is it making its money that way? Or is it just a rush on royalties and franchise fees? Kutip Balas. Kaskus Freak Posts: 33, Kaskus Addict Posts: 3, Trader sebaiknya memiliki rencana atau sistem trading, sehingga tahu kapan masuk dan keluar pasar.

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