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Top 5 Must Watch Trading Movies for Traders

Very few films capture the essence of life as a day trader. The pressure of walking the tightrope between profitability and looming losses is rarely captured in mainstream films. While movies such as "Wall Street" and "Boiler Room" glamorize the lifestyle of accumulating wealth by any means necessary, they do not capture the essence of actual trading in the trenches. But these five movies illustrate key lessons every trader can take with him to understand more about his career.

Wolf of Wall Street

This movie is a favorite among poker players, and it exemplifies the parallels that exist between playing poker and trading the markets. The two main characters literally represent the two sides that exist in the psyche of every trader. The contrast of styles between a "grinder" and a cowboy and the repercussions of those styles are illustrated throughout the film.

Wolf of Wall Street

The spotting of "tells" in poker is akin to spotting the "fades" in trading to determine the true order flow pressure behind the price action. The tactical application of chess strategy interwoven throughout this film underscores how lateral thinking is employed to decipher transparency. The greatest enemy hides where you least suspect it: the ego.

Purposely appearing weak to camouflage strength and vice versa is the engine behind price action. Traders can identify with how closely trade strategy parallels with chess strategy. What appears on the surface is rarely the true intent. This exemplifies the mentality embodied by seasoned traders. Parties, Women, alcohol, drugs, and great power soon become part of your day to day. The money continues to pour in and discretion was not one of the best qualities of Jordan and her wolf pack, so this rapid enrichment begins to get the attention of an FBI agent and trouble begins for Belfort.

In short, an entertaining film full of action from start to finish that shows us the dark side of life when we do not control our emotions. A story based on real events that occurred during the economic crisis of The Great Bet tells the story of Michael Burry, the Wall Street guru, who in predicted that the housing and credit bubble collapse.

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No doubt a film we recommend you watch to understand the bankruptcy of the US real estate sector that caused the global economic crisis of Margin Call is a drama film that shows the dark side of the financial sector. It is based on real facts from the lives of eight workers at a powerful investment bank on the day before the onset of the economic crisis.

This powerful investment bank although not mentioned, you will quickly realize which bank it is is earning trillions of dollars by selling high-risk investment packages to its clients, ignoring the frequent warning signs of instability. One night, young analyst Peter Sullivan Zachary Quinto discovers that risk levels have overcome the barriers of insurance and that the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, so they have little time to save themselves.

Summoned to a meeting in the middle of the night, the company executives realize they have two options: to see the company fall along with the rest of Wall Street or to hurry and be the first to sell their assets before they disappear.

Category:Trading films

Your customers and the market will be ruined, but they can survive. They will face a night of tension in which they will have to make difficult moral and financial decisions before disaster strikes. The price of greed is a super-entertaining movie, though, with a somewhat technical language. Now we go with a classic of the 80s that still remains valid. This film directed by controversial filmmaker Oliver Stone and starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen is about how the ambition and power of money motivates some ambitious people to get to the top no matter who they destroy in their way.

A helicopter has joined search efforts for a young girl in remote Central Australia after the four-year-old went missing yesterday. Follow our live coverage for the latest news on the coronavirus pandemic. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has handed lengthy bans to the director and former employees of an online foreign currency trader, whose culture insiders likened to something out of The Wolf of Wall Street. Former clients said they had been harassed and pressured into losing hundreds of thousands of dollars by employees of the broker.

ASIC said Mr Yoshai put pressure on ForexCT account managers to use high-pressure sales tactics on clients, offer incentives to clients to deposit money, recommend trading strategies that would increase clients' exposure and pressure clients to delay or cancel withdrawal of funds. Among the allegations, ASIC alleged employees told clients that they did not benefit from the client depositing money, when, in fact, they were paid a commission based on client deposits. In May last year, ASIC cancelled ForexCT's financial services licence after finding it had engaged in "unconscionable conduct, misleading and deceptive conduct and a failure to manage conflicts of interest".

A series of ABC stories revealed significant concerns about the lack of regulation and oversight of the massive foreign exchange brokerage industry. Forex trading is a highly complex and risky form of investment, which experts say is actually more akin to gambling.

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If the exchange rate goes up in favour of the currency you have backed, you make a profit. The constantly fluctuating nature of foreign exchange rates makes it a highly volatile form of trading. Many companies hold licences granted by ASIC but are headquartered in offshore jurisdictions.