Pokemon trading card system

The Versus Ladder provides an improving stage or ladder rung of rewards for players successfully winning matches in Versus Mode. Players earn 10 Versus Points for every match they win and an additional 5 Versus Points when they win against an opponent with a rank advantage , as well as additional Versus Points equal to their current win streak times five up to a maximum of Players have 3 weeks or 21 days to progress as far as they can up the Versus Ladder before the ladder is reset.

Versus ladder rewards cycle between high rarity cards and Booster packs from the Standard and Expanded formats, often featuring Booster packs from the most recent expansion at the time of the reset. The in-game Shop system allows players to purchase Non-exclusive Theme decks , card Booster packs , Gameplay items Card sleeves, Coins, Deck boxes, etc. The Shop used to allow adult players to purchase Gems and Event Tickets with real currency. The following are currently available items:. Weekly special bundles or Blister packs with a cost range of to Tokens were released for a limited amount of time, which typically included some combination of Booster pack s , Promotional or regular card s and a Coin.

Trading cards have a yearly increase of over $40,000 USD.

Between March 13, and February 27, , older Non-exclusive Theme decks and Booster packs were removed following the start of a new format Rotation. With the return of these items to the shop, the release of Weekly Shop Bundles has been discontinued. The Trade system allows players to view and create public and private trade offers in-game. Players may trade one or several items, cards, and packs in each transaction. Not every item is available for trading appearing as "Trade Locked" items to prevent players from creating multiple accounts to accumulate these items.

The Social menu lets players search for online Friends, participate in Public Chats and review in-game notifications. Players can send friend requests to others, which allows them to engage in Friend Battles or private message them. They also have the option to block other players from interacting with them for any reason within the game, including the chat and Versus Mode matches.

Gameplay items include Card sleeves, Coins , and Deck boxes and are purely cosmetical. They may be purchased from time to time in the in-game shop, available through Redemption codes provided with the purchase of physical products or may be traded for with other players. Playmats are currently unavailable in the game, despite an option to select one in the Deck Manager indicates that they may become available in the future. Some in-game features are inaccessible in child accounts, such as Public Chat and Private Messaging, while other in-game features are restricted by limiting available options.

The guest player's cards and other items are transfered to the new account when creating one inside the game. The Leaderboard systems are based on each player's performance in Versus and Events Mode individually. At the beginning of matches, the highest-ranking player is identified to have an "Advantage" over their opponent. The leaderboard is public and resets inside the game every three weeks. Often updates involve the addition of new rules and card as new expansion sets are released, the resolution of program errors, player interface changes improving usability, and the addition or re-addition of new game features.

Pokémon TCG Card Dex

Occasionally, updates to the game involve the removal of previously existing game features. This former in-game Currency was originally used with Redemption code cards found in physical Booster packs. This Redemption code card method ended with the release of the Plasma Storm expansion when codes from a specific expansion Booster pack became redeemable for a virtual version of that specific Booster pack.

The Booster Credit system officially ended on July 1, Players who still had remaining Booster Credits after the February 7, update automatically had their credits redeemed for Boundaries Crossed Booster packs. A higher league, fourth "Diamond League" existed in the Trainer Challenge prior to the February 7, update. Practice Battle matches did not count toward player Player rank or let the player earn rewards. The Achievements reward system was another feature retired on March 25, , and had no special effect on the game.

Quick Matches were a single player mode using a randomly selected Theme deck that players have unlocked against another randomly selected player. Gems were only available to adult players in Canada for testing and were purchased in the in-game Shop, from April 19, to October 29, [1]. Similar to Trainer Tokens, Gems were used to purchase products from the in-game Shop or used as a currency for trading with other players.


Gems were typically equal to 2 Trainer Tokens. Players were able to redeem Gems for in-game items until December 10, After that date, all unspent Gems were automatically converted into in-game Lost Thunder booster packs and Trainer Tokens. The game was subsequently redesigned as a downloadable game utilizing the Unity engine [3] and relauched on May 15, for PC, [4] on November 5, for Mac, [5] [6] and on September 30, for iPad. Views Article Discussion View source History tools what links here related changes print permalink info.

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PC, Mac, iPad, and Android tablets. March 24, TC beta. Game site.

How to Play Pokémon TCG Tutorial

Qualification to Players Cup 2 depending on the player's rating zone and performance in all Players Cup Qualifier tournaments. Trainer Challenge. Earning "Stars" after defeating computer-controlled Trainers in the Trainer Challenge earns 1, 3, or 10 Trainer Tokens and a card Booster pack once for each of the 36 Trainer opponents. Players additionally obtain 3 more Booster packs by earning 4 Stars with all 12 Trainers in each of the three "Leagues". Finally, purchasable Theme decks provide 1 Trainer Token after beating each of the 36 Trainers plus a card Booster pack after beating the first 12 Trainers once per Theme deck.

Versus Mode. A single Trainer Token and a Bonus Wheel spin are earned when a match is played regardless of the outcome, provided minimum Minimum Playtime Requirements are met. Two additional Trainer Tokens are earned if players win again an opponent who the Player rank system determined to have the "Advantage". Events Mode. Same as Versus Mode as summarized above except for the Versus Ladder. Additionally, players earn Tournament rewards based on Tournament type and placement.

All Daily Challenges may also be completed in Events Mode. Tutorial Mode.

Pokémon Trading Card Game Online system requirements and compatibility – Pokémon Support

Daily Match Bonus 10 Trainer Tokens. Daily Login Bonus reward system rotation.

  • Manage your collection of Pokemon cards.
  • The ultimate trading card game adventure!;
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Daily Challenge reward system rotation. Weekly Tournament rotation. Avatar Creator — While rudimentary Avatar options 4 male and 4 female were reintroduced on June 12, , [14] true functionality was not reintroduced until the June 20, update. Language Title French. Brazilian Portuguese. Super Smash Bros. Play It! Each is described in detail below. Each type of card is described in more detail below. Each card has a name, a type, and an amount of health points HP. Players play these cards on the field and use that creature's attacks to reduce the opponent's HP. EX, for instance, are generally stronger but the strength could cost you if knocked out opponent takes two prize cards instead of one.

Legend cards require both parts to fully use and usually those can be hard to obtain. Each deck must have at least one basic to be considered legal. Basic, evolved, and baby cards have appeared in many sets. Colorless represented by a six-pointed star and fairy a pink butterfly are not shown.

There are nine different basic energy types:. There are two types of energy cards: basic and special. Basic energy cards only provide one energy of the specified type, while special energy cards have additional benefits and varying capabilities. The amount of basic energy cards allowed in a playing deck is unrestricted, but there is a restriction of 4 special energy cards per deck.